

Augsburg Now Magazine Design
Augsburg College

The Augsburg Now is published three times a year, and I have worked on the team for the past twelve issues. Not only am I responsible for a portion of the design and layout, I also contribute story ideas and collaborate with the photographer and other members of the creative team to guide the look and feel of the magazine. See more of the Augsburg Now at

READ MORE about the Summer 2011 cover story, "Auggies are Everywhere."

Lightrail Train
Augsburg College

One of the best projects I have ever worked on as a designer is the Auggie Train. READ MORE.

TCTC Bike Jersey Design
Twin Cities Tandem Club

This project included designing a logo for the Twin Cities Tandem Club that was then used to create a unique bike jersey design for their riders. READ MORE.

Lakes Run T-shirt Series
Big Lake Lakes Run 8K

This series of t-shirts for a local road race highlights a new wildlife each year while maintaining a consistent look across time. READ MORE.

Feed the Pig
Augsburg College

The Feed the Pig campaign aimed to teach students about the power of philanthropy by encouraging participation in giving. READ MORE.

Center for Global Education Branding
Augsburg College

I worked as part of the creative team that developed a new brand for the Center for Global Education (CGE) at Augsburg College. The goal was to give CGE a unique look while maintaining alignment with the Augsburg College brand. Another consideration was finding a way to clearly organize the large amount of information that CGE must provide to prospective students in a visually intriguing way.